Friday, August 10, 2012

Characters, Part 6: Screwtape

Handle: Screwtape
Name: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown, probably in his early to mid 40s.
Hair: ???
Eyes: ???
Height: ???

Screwtape served as one of the primary antagonists during DSTM, but unfortunately didn't get as much screentime as we had hoped.  He was difficult for both AJ and me to figure out how to write, and since Poe's blog (in which he would be the main antagonist) never really developed into the arc we hoped it would, Screwtape didn't get showcased particularly frequently.

Screwtape sort of seems like a brute, but he's really not.  Despite his use of physical abuse (breaking Messi's finger, everything he did to Poe), he does more on a psychological level.  The physical abuse is done to break down mental defenses as well. 

The best way to describe Screwtape is "intense."  He's the sort of person who it's nearly impossible to look in the eye, just because there's something in his gaze that makes it impossible to hold for more than a few seconds.  He maintains a calm demeanor, but it's easy to sense that there's a lot of fury in him.  In fact, he's probably the most sociopathic character of DSTM.

I don't go into Screwtape's philosophy too much in the blog, though he's of the "religious" proxy sort.  He believes that the Slender Man is a savior who's come to cleanse the scourge from the earth.  Those he chooses as his followers are the "strong," and the husks are receiving special punishment, being brainwashed into serving him.  This is why he has such a strong hatred for Poe: as a husk turned agent, he finds it hard to fit her into his beliefs.

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